I recently finished a "live" series in a private FB group, The Abundance Project, where I led our participants on a daily journey through the amazing book, The Magic written by Aussie, Rhonda Byrne.
If you haven't yet discovered how powerful Gratitude is, then it truly is time for you to give yourself a chance at a life of more joy, happiness, love and abundance in all areas of your life.
As an example, think back to a moment when you received something unexpectedly and you were automatically so grateful for the generosity of another, that you were filled with so much happiness your mood was instantly lifted.
Now, imagine how good you would feel if you started a daily practice of being truly grateful for everything you already have in your life - your mood would be instantly lifted because it's Universal Law that if you are living in Gratitude, you cannot experience any negativity or low moods.
I wanted to share with you a few quotes from the book The Magic, to show you how being grateful can change your life.
"You are the builder of your life, and gratitude is your magical tool to build the most incredible life."
"There is no end to the heights you can reach with Gratitude, and there's no end to the Magic you can experience. Like the stars in the Universe, it's infinite!"
"If Gratitude became a mandatory subject in schools, we would see a generation of children who would advance our civilization through spectacular accomplishments and discoveries, obliterating disagreements, ending wars and bringing peace to the world."
That last quote really resonated with me. Just imagine how different the world would be if everyone was practicing Gratitude daily. There would be no selfishness, no greed, no hate and no jealousy.
Instead, there would be love, respect, giving, selfless acts of kindness and the best thing of all, enough of everything for every person that exists on this planet - is your mind blown yet??
Personally, I suggest you start your practice of daily Gratitude pronto, I promise you it will change your life, because it changed mine and continues to do so...
And remember, whatever you are grateful for, grow and expands and attracts more of the same!
Click here is you like your own copy of The Magic.